Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kids in the Polls...

Today’s the day! 
Voting Day.
The day that solidifies what Project Charlie taught us decades ago: “I matter.”
Aaaah the ultimate Warm Fuzzy.

I have been compiling my little list of facts and issues that are important to me and filing them into their appropriate pro and con columns and I am ready.

It totally gets me goose-bumpy.

This afternoon, I am going to strut in there, tell them who I am and I am going to Matter. And you know what else? I’m bringing the kids. Yep. All 4. Those people who have been volunteering for hours are going to be thrilled to see my five-year-old burst into that church.

But this privilege we have shouldn't be some far-off ideal…I want the kids to see it and be a part of it and be excited for their opportunity to do it.
It’s not glamorous, but it’s awesome. 

And tonight, after “we” vote, we are totally nerding out. You bet I’ve made Ballots for them to fill out so they can cast their vote for supper choices. You bet we are actually going to eat in front of the TV (unheard of!!) and watch what happens. 
And, while they may not be enthralled or even faintly interested, hopefully, years from now, they will remember that on November 6th, 2012, their mom and dad had their say. And they mattered. 
And win or lose, when we graciously (graciously, you guys—we are setting examples here) accept our nation’s leader and the new policies that are put in place, they will know that our voices and beliefs mattered.
And so will theirs.
And when their opportunity to be heard comes, they will feel goose-bumpy and proud. 

And blessed, too.
Because, oh my goodness, we certainly are.