Monday, January 23, 2012

The Day of Beth!

I am the luckiest lady in the entire world.
I know this is a bold statement. But you know what? I am feeling rather bold. And fantastic!
I woke up on Saturday morning at my boyfriend Joe's house. We had big plans to lay around in our jammies with all of the kiddos and just do Nothing for an entire weekend.
And I was jazzed about it--we had been running around and busy for weeks!
I had just finished verbalizing this and making plans for my first nap when Joey handed me an envelope.
In the bottom corner, there was simply "#1"
What the....?
I opened it and splashed across the top it said "The Day of Beth! 1/21/12"
Well, this looked official and I was wondering if he had confused this with Beth Day on February 9th.
The message read "You can ask no questions, go take a shower, don't dilly dally, you must leave in one hour."
Well, what the deuce??
So, I finished my shower and was getting myself ready when he came in with another envelope. #2.
The note read: "You'll spend part of your day with your Breast girlfriend Kate. You'll need to be back here by 2:00, so please don't be late."
I looked up and said, "Kate?? Where is she?"
He threw open the door and There. She. Was! Oh myyyyyyy--This was Planned (And, as Kate later told me, he had been planning the Day of Beth for over a month!)
We got in Kate's car and opened Envelope #3. It had money in it and the note said "You are going to Key's cafe, for breakfast and laughter Don't be there too long, you have some work to do after."
So, we had a delightful breakfast that involved both bacon and a heavy mushroom cream sauce for me.
I know.
I'm delicate.
After that, we got back in the car and opened Envelope #4. The note read: "Here you'll go shopping for clothes just for you. Don't screw around, you need to be back here by two." (notice he is trying quite hard to get Kate and I to stick to this schedule. Clearly he has worked with us before!)
We decided to go to Rosedale and, once we were inside, I was able to open Envelope #5. This one contained some serious cash-o-la and a note that said "Buy clothes for tonight--something to wear. Buy a skirt or a dress or even shoes if you dare!" (Isn't he rhyme-y and fantastic??)
This was a perfect mission for my Breast Friend and me!
It doesn't matter that I have no idea WHAT I'm buying clothes for! We get to buy clothes for me!
And they're not for work! AND without any children!
It was down to the last second, but we left at 1:40 and I had a fantastic dress from Bebe, heels, tights, a necklace and earrings. Yes. We are that good.
Upon our return to the car, I opened my next envelope. The note said "You're headed back North, you'll be closer to me, for a mani and pedi and guess what, it's all FREE!"
So we headed north! A few minutes later, I opened the next one. "You're headed to Simonson's, it's in a strip mall, Just you and your friend Kate, I'm sure you'll have a ball!"
I'm sure we will, too!
Oh! And once we got there, the tech handed me a note (I'm used to these by now) ;) This one was from Tahila (T.T.!) She had been there at the same time Joey had paid for our services and just said Hi--I LOVE any sort of "Small World" happenings. ;)
After getting our nails all beautied up, It was time for me to open my next envelope. Envelope #8. The note said, "Your nails are all painted pink, red, maybe blue. I think you and Kate should go get Caribou."
So, Kate and I walked next door to Caribou--IN our lovely pedi flip-flops, mind you. We braved the slush to avoid smudges.
Once we ordered, I pointed out the table area where Joe and I had "first" met and connected.
As we were talking about it... In walked Joe. :) All cool and handsome.
The three of us sat and talked on a couch and then Kate had to go.
I asked Joe what the plan was for tonight... Why a dress? What's going on? Oh my gosh! Where are the kids?!
He assured me we had big plans for the evening, the kids were with his parents and he handed me my 9th envelope.
The same official "Day of Beth 1/21/12" stationary now had one sentence on it. It was the email I had sent him 18 months ago when we first ran into each other--On Jodi's birthday. It simply said "I love Caribou Coffee... don't you?" (For those who haven't heard the 'how we met' story--it's quite wonderful. I'm sure I'll blog about it at some point!)
I read it out loud and said, "Wow, Baby! Can you believe it all started here...." as I was gushing, he was getting down on one knee! <3
(I stopped rambling and let him talk)
He said some wonderfully sweet things and then asked me to make him the happiest man in the world and marry him.
We hugged and kissed and (I) cried.... there was a group of people in there who were very excited to be witnessing this.... It was perfect.
He knew that with the Day of Beth all set up, I just might get the feeling that he was going to propose somewhere that night, when we were all fancied up.
But for him to surprise me at the place we first met--Absolutely Awesome!
We spent the night in Minneapolis in a fancy room--I never did get around to getting dolled up in my dress, but we walked down to Seven late Saturday night for some sushi and cocktails (it made much more sense to walk over in my jeans and cute boots than my dress and dainty heels--oh Mom will be so proud of my Sensible Shoe decision!).
SO, we are engaged! The kids are all thrilled, our families are excited and supportive and we just feel so lifted up and blessed.
To reiterate what I said in my opening sentences (about 13 pages ago) I AM the luckiest lady in the world. And I can't wait to marry Joe!